
Prenatal Massage

Margaret Indiana Massage NYC

margaret Indiana Massage NYC

Prenatal Massage…

is for pregnant people, and with your doctor’s approval, is safe during any point in your pregnancy. Margaret Indiana is certified in prenatal massage, with ten years of professional practice, and she has worked with pregnant clients in every trimester, including during early labor. Her prenatal massages are relaxing and safe, combining deep-tissue work with sensitivity and awareness. Like a standard Signature Massage, Prenatal Massage is performed on a massage table, with oil directly on the skin. During the treatment, the recipient is carefully propped using a special method for pregnant bodies, designed to limit pressure placed on hips, shoulders, and growing belly.


One of the greatest things prenatal massage does is ease your stress level. Therapeutic touch kicks on your autonomic nervous system and brings a sense of relief. Studies indicate that massage during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. (American Pregnancy Association) (National Institute of Health)

Massage Margaret Indiana NYC
Margaret Indiana NYC Massage

Anecdotally, clients have reported to Margaret that during their first trimester, massage eases symptoms of morning sickness, and that massage helps move things along when past their due date. Margaret is also experienced in Postpartum Massage, as aftercare to aid your body’s recovery after delivery. Postpartum clients receive the same level of care and attention, customized to your individual needs. With your doctor’s approval, you can come in as soon after birth as you like.

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“Seeing Margaret is an experience of self care that changes my perspective mentally and physically. I feel pulled in a million directions most of the time but a session with Margaret grounds me and fills my cup so I can care for my kids and my marriage. Anyone who sees Margaret will be grateful to have her in their life.” - Caitlin P